It is now possible to use used motor oil to cook food at home. This is made possible by an ecological brazier that has just been created by the non-profit organization Organisation Locale pour la Valorisation des Déchets au Congo, OVDC, working in the city of Butembo. Julienne Muhima tells us about it in the column science, discovery and innovation.

This brazier which works with used motor oil reduces the cost of the embers in the household, by this way works for the preservation of the nature explains Marcel Muthambayiro, businessman, communication and marketing officer of Organisation Locale pour la Valorisation des Déchets au Congo OVDC. During an interview granted to his office this Tuesday, March 21, he explained the functioning of this brazier.
“It’s a brazier that just runs on old motor oil that we put under a ventilator pressure so that the oil is combustible. We put the flame in it when we put it under a certain air pressure. It is this ventilation that allows the product to be combustible, to produce heat to allow the cooking of food.’’
A single liter of used motor oil can be used to cook for a few days. However, this oil is almost worthless once the motorcycle is empty. These waste products will be able to avoid the use of charcoal, which is only obtained by deforestation, he points out.
Marcel Muthambayiro and his collaborators also produce, from bio-degradable waste, ecological charcoal, biological fertilizers and several goods in order to participate in the fight against climate change by recycling waste.
Julienne Muhima